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Found 71 Estates
City Sofia oblast | 16.04.2008
Offer № 254. Regulation land property, heel, water, regulation, visa, drainage system, well, smooth, face - 15 m., enclose. Person ...
price: 15000€
area: 500м²
City Sofia oblast | 14.04.2008
Offer № 249. Land property 600 q.m., who is find in the land of v. Herakovo, place Goly vruh, village zone. ...
price: 20000€
area: 600м²
City Sofia oblast | 14.04.2008
Offer № 248. Land property 1702 q.m., who is find in the land of v. Herakovo, place Livage, only of ...
price: 34040€
area: 1702м²
City Sofia oblast | 14.04.2008
Offer № 247. Land property 2171 q.m., who is find in the land of v. Herakovo, place Livage, only of ...
price: 43420€
area: 2171м²
City Sofia oblast | 14.04.2008
Offer № 246. Land property 3001 q.m. in the land of Herakovo, place Bachishte. Iti is find in the end ...
price: 60020€
area: 3001м²
City Sofia | 10.04.2008
Offer № 245. Regulation land property, heel, water, regulation, visa, drainage system, smooth, face, enclose, elevation cornice - 10 m., ...
price: 219600€
area: 1220м²
City Sofia oblast | 03.04.2008
Offer № 243. Land property - 1200 q.m. in the land of Herakovo, place Kotzin Brest. It is find between ...
price: 24000€
area: 1200м²
City Sofia oblast | 03.04.2008
Offer № 242. Agriculture land - 200 q.m., who is find in village zone, in nearness to road for Samokov, ...
price: 40000€
area: 2000м²
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